The February Anchorage Audubon program will feature Milo Burcham, a talented wildlife photographer from Cordova, Alaska will be presenting on Arctic of Alaska and Svalbard. Join us on Thursday, February 20 at 6:00 pm at the BP Energy Center.
30 Days Without a Sunset
Wildlife in the Arctic of Alaska and Svalbard, Norway.
The high Arctic of Alaska and Norway have some similarities, but they also have differences. Milo traveled to both environments in June and July of this past summer, photographing the wildlife of both areas. While we like to think of Alaska's north coast as extreme, Norway's Svalbard Archipelago lies 500 miles further north. Still, they have much in common.
Milo will present images of the wildlife of both areas, including Alaska's Arctic bird and mammal specialties , and Svalbard's wildlife, including Polar Bears, Walrus, Atlantic Puffins, Dovekie and more.