Our Mission

The Anchorage Audubon Society offers bird watching field trips, monthly meetings & natural history programs, newsletters, and special events to highlight birds, wildlife, and conservation issues. The Anchorage Audubon Society is a all-volunteer non-profit chapter of the National Audubon Society. We work on the conservation of southcentral Alaska ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations.

Board Members

President – W. Keys
Secretary – Daria O. Carle
Treasurer – Barbara Krizman
Karen Pfeifer – Hospitality Chair
Louann Feldmann – Education & Christmas Bird Count Chair
Vivian Mendenhall – Conservation Chair
Enric Fernandez – Membership Chair
Andrew Fisher – Field Trip Chair
Cathy Foerster – Email Communications Chair
Michelle LeBeau
Hannah Brewster


Birds and other wildlife need natural, undisturbed habitats in order to  feed, rest, raise their young, feel safe, and travel. Anchorage Audubon is focused on promoting conservation of habitat, and providing opportunities for people to enjoy and learn about wildlife. We especially work to keep healthy populations of birds and other wildlife in Southcentral Alaska. Advocating for wildlife habitat protection in land use planning processes is a key role of the Anchorage Audubon Society Conservation Committee. Environmental issues that we’ve worked on include habitat protection in Bicentennial Park, the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge, at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, at Connors Lake, at Business Park Wetlands in Midtown, and supporting continuing scientific research on our own endemic Hudsonian Godwit population in the Upper Cook Inlet. Please contact the Conservation Chair if you would like more information, to let us know about an issue that concerns you, or to get involved!

Birding Potter Marsh

Photo by John Schoen

Photo by John Schoen