Test your Avian Knowledge and win GIGANTIC FABULOUS PRIZES. There’ll be riotously uplifting exhilaration and there’ll be soul crushing defeat. There’ll be easy questions, and there’ll be some that will challenge your very will to live. What could be more fun than seeing your friends miss the easiest question of all time? And here’s how it works:
First, get your team together. Teams can be from 1 to 4 members, but we will increase it to 6 for blood relatives so as not to break up families.
Each team will get a score card to keep track of their running totals.
When a question is asked, teams will have 20 seconds to silently agree on their answer and write the answer on their scorecard. No shouting out of answers will be allowed. A bell will ring to stop any additional writing. The answer will then be revealed, and teams will either add the value of the question to their running total, or subtract the value of wrong answers from their running total.
Scorecards will also have a “Pass” option for each question. Teams opting to “Pass” will not be awarded points for that question, but similarly will not lose points on that question. The “Pass” option MUST be selected before the time limit elapses.
When all questions and categories have been completed, the Three teams with the highest scores will be eligible for Final Bird Trivia. Like Final Jeopardy, teams may risk any amount up to their current total score on the Final Question.
The team with the highest score will get the first chance to choose their prizes from the Official Prize Table. The second place team will follow, and the third place team will get what no other team wanted on the Prize Table.
Fine Print: Dollar amounts for questions are for points only and cash prizes will not be awarded. And no matter how badly you do on the questions, you can still have unlimited cookies.
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